I like being special, what can I say
Now that I have had two wonderful babies and I guess I have to officially say that I am growing up, ugh, I have tried to find a workout ---something-- that I can really get into.
Enter Mud Obstacle Races. I started talking about the Tough Mudder earlier in the Spring of 2013 to my colleagues at school. A few of them were interested. So we all got really excited, started talking some more, then summer break hit. I don't know about them, but I think I might have worked out a total of 4 times over the summer. Don't get me wrong, I love working out! I love the challenge, the music, the therapy and the courage of it all, but with 2 children (one 11 and the other 2) life just gets in the way.
Once August came around and school started again, I was actually able to get back into a routine. Even better, a small crew of colleagues joined me (they still do on occasion).
My Tough Mudder crew started talking again and I was pleasantly surprised to find that they were actually serious about doing it, I was thrilled. Nervous, for the 12 miles and electricity that was in my future, but the rush and excitement of this event was beyond words.
This little crew and the Tough Mudder event were a total game changer in my workout motivation and routine. I felt the best I EVER had in my life (and I was an athlete in my glory days of high school!).
I can share with you that I successfully completed the Tough Mudder KY 2013 this past October. (I didn't do all of the obstacles, but I honestly attempted the first half, the second half were just gonna have to wait until next time because I couldn't feel my limbs due to the cold). I wrapped myself in a little shiny thermal blanket and hiked my way to the end. Hiked being the key word here.
Yes, that was in October and now that it's the end of November, I'm kinda bummed. I don't have the rush of a "Tough Mudder event coming up in a few weeks so I have to train my butt off" and working out in the cold can be a challenge. I tried working out indoors, but after training outside and getting in that habit, I just can't make that switch to be inside. It feels weird, like trying to brush your teeth with your opposite hand, it's just wrong.
So, for Christmas I decided to ask for 2 things: 1) outside workout gear for the cold and 2) another mud obstacle course to train for. Thankfully, my husband has agreed to do one with me in April. :) Now training for the Warrior Dash!
I am attaching my training schedule so that I can share and hopefully inspire someone else to workout, but also to hold myself accountable!
This training schedule actually came from Scott Colby and his Tough Mudder Workout, he has vimeo videos and everything if you need help with some of the exercises. Click here for his info.
Here is my "pretty version" of Colby's interval and training schedule. As the weeks continue, the # of times you complete the circuits on each day increases, but we will cross that bridge when we get there :)
If you so choose to follow this with me, let me know how your doing!