Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday Scoop 2.15.14

 1) So, another assignment down with my Grad class!  I know these don’t sound like major events, but reading 4 chapters, 1 article and writing a one page report comparing the two in one week while being a mom and a teacher is a HUGE deal for me.  First off, I read pretty intently (slowly).  I have to read something, think about it in my own words and take notes, usually with each paragraph.  Just because I really want to know the material and be confident in my references and understanding.  Otherwise, I would skim and remember nothing!  

2) I presented my Museum plans and exhibit resources and references to our Admin and teachers this week.  I was nervous but also really excited about the potential!  I just hope that other teachers get on board and get excited too!  In the past, it’s been like pulling teeth!  “It doesn’t fit in my curriculum right now”  “I don’t see how my content relates to this”  “I don’t know how to do projects”.  My response (in my head, not out loud) you can change your curriculum a bit to support the school, your colleagues, your students.  A quick Google search will show how your content fits, or this is your chance to be creative and have fun with your content.  Bring it to life your students!  Never done projects before? Easy, Edutopia, Thinkfinity, Arts Edge are some great places to start. Or you can ask me!  Let’s brainstorm together.  
If that’s the best you got, bring it, I got an answer for everything and a solution for everything!  Just ask my husband.  But seriously, the only thing holding you back when you have these excuses, is you.  Ok, off the soap box now.

3) Only one snow day this week!  That’s a huge plus, with all the snow and ice everywhere and devastating situations happening all over the U.S.  The fact that me and my family are happy and safe and warm…. that’s a plus!!

4) For Valentine’s Day, my sweet husband sent roses, chocolates and a teddy bear to my work.  I received tons of treats, from students and teachers, it was such a “thankful for where I am” kinda day.  Life is Good.

5)  I signed up for my first 5K for 2014.  My worker partner in crime and I signed up for a 5K in March.  Registered and paid for, now the training gets serious!  :)

after I finish all these Valentine’s chocolates, of course.

6). I have to add an extra one this week because it tickles me to death! One day a week, my husband and his friends join some of the guys I work with and play ball in our school's gym. I was sitting on the stage, watching this happen and it made me feel like I was in high school all over again. Sitting in the schools gym, watching my man play b-ball! I loved it!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday Scoop

Saturday Scoop

I like this title, it sounds dessert-y and in the summer I can feature ice cream with it!  ;)
Although it does also remind me of a newspaper with a feature for Batman or Dick Tracey…..strange.  Anyway, my highlights for this week….

1.  First major paper of the semester is done!  I am currently taking online classes at Georgetown College for my MATL program with an endorsement in GT.  I have 2 classes completed so far, this is my third.  I can only manage one class per semester, ya know, being a FT working mom of 2!  Life is hectic, but I love learning and improving my teaching and leadership skills, so the late nights are worth it!

Go Tigers!!

2.  One of my classes that I teach at TLC is called TLC Mud Run, after running the Tough Mudder back in October and wanting to spread the Mud Love, what better way than to incorporate it into my classes and share with my school family!  We are practicing different training intervals with some cardio and starting to piece together what will hopefully be our very own TLC Mud Course on campus!  I have also contacted one of the directors for BluegrassMudRun in an effort to partner and participate with UK and their event!  A link to their event is here.

3.  Tiger Fitness is back in full effect!  Me and a few other staff members are staying after school to workout.  The weather has been beautiful! (sarcasm), so we are running in the school hallways, I know, we are so bad!  We are presently doing a run/walk interval program with the 7 minute Scientific method strength training, you can find that here.  So far, so good, and feeling great!  (channeling Tony the Tiger).

4.  We only had 2 snow days this week!  I know, not much of a WIN, but when you are a teacher and expect students to remember lessons and get in the groove of expectations, all these snow days are killer!  Everyday feels like a Monday!!

5.  My February FCPS Spotlight is published and out!  Very honored to be featured for FCPS, but man I hate hearing my own voice, I am so critical of myself when I see these images, videos and when listening to what I said on film.  Ugh!!  I need to practice that more and get over it!!  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Blogger Class Feb. 5th

3 Posts
1 Comment
1 Image
extra About Me

please put your URL in your comments

Saturday, February 1, 2014

High Five for Saturday???

So, I wanted to do a little weekly recap on a "High Five for Friday" posting every week like some blogs do; however, trying to add something to my Friday to do list has not been very successful.  So, I need a Summary Saturday, or Saturday's Sizzle, get the idea.  

I basically need time to sleep in on Saturday and truly reflect and cherish my week, not breeze through on a Friday with half-hearted effort.  While I try to come up with a snazzy name (Snazzy Saturday?  Saturday's Snazzle?) let's review the week....

I am thankful for several things in both my worlds this week (home and school family)

1.  My husband and I are getting our daughter signed up with First Steps just to make sure that her speech and walking developments are on point.  We have been concerned for the past few months because she doesn't say a whole lot or speak in sentences.  

**She plays a mean game of charades, though.

Also, she walks a lot on her tip-toes.  Not as much as she did, but we still want to have it checked out. 

2.  I was photographed for my February Spotlight for FCPS this week.  Our School District photographer and videographer came out to my school to record me in my classroom, interview me and take pictures that will be presented on our FCPS website as well as the TV Channel.  (Not stressful at all!)  When the link is ready, I will post it here.

it might be interesting because I cut my hair between the 2 (video and the photo shoot)

3.  Tom Squad for FCPS met on Wednesday.  I am the teacher representative for TLC, so me and my crew of student leaders made a quick video and presented it to our Superintendent.  We are trying to improve school lunch for everyone, wish us luck!  Here's the video:

4.  I have started using an App in my classroom that randomly selects a student from the class and then I feature that student on Twitter.  I stole the "Tweet Seat" from Arsenio Hall, but anyway, I randomly select a student from class and ask them what they learned today, or what they are working on and take a picture and/or feature them on my Twitter account.  It's pretty neat and the students like to add their voice on Social Media.  

5.  I have officially come down with the sick bug.  Arden was sick a few weeks ago, my Husband is just now feeling better.... and now wham!  my turn!  However, even though I feel sickie, I still managed to exercise with my Tiger Fitness crew yesterday and it felt amazing!  So, Tiger Fitness is back on track with an Extreme Rampage, Warrior Dash and mini-marathon in my future.  I don't have time to feel bad!
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