Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Illuminated Manuscripts

7th grade Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts with some Glow in the Dark paint features! And it really works!!!


7th grade is finishing up Ancient Egypt, my 8th graders are moving on to Neoclassical architecture and practicing 2 point perspective, my 6th graders are practicing 1 point perspective with this activity.  I love showing them something and they are all "Wow!  That's hard!"  Then, when I break it down and model it for them, they are so confident and excited that they can do it!  This one uses pencil drawing plus photography, I might try so photography perspective shots with them for a play day.

(that's supposed to be his shoe)

Day of the Dead 3D paper skulls

This little gem was a lot of fun!  In discussing formal symmetry and especially being around the actual Day of the Dead holiday, students decorated their skulls, lots of color and details using formal symmetry, then we cut them out, folded the tabs and glued them together.  Lots of fun!  All 6-8 grades enjoyed this one!

Murals with Keith Haring

So, my 6th graders started with Diego Rivera, then eventually we got into Keith Haring.  It happens.  We were discussing and learning about the Mural Movement and everything, I tried a plaster medium and it didn't work out.  So, Plan B, Keith Haring figures based on their own interest-based narrative comic strips.  They LOVED it!!!  It looks really cool down the hallway too!

We used contractor paper from Home Depot/Lowe's and tempura paint.
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