Sunday, June 22, 2014

Portfolio 2014

I know professionally it is always a good idea to have an updated portfolio of the work you've done, awards and recognitions, etc.  It is also very personally uplifting to reflect back and see all you've accomplished, like opening a family photo album that brings back fond memories. 

I recently updated my portfolio and it was exciting!  Updating resumes are always painful, but the rest is a lot of fun!  In this portfolio, I included a Letter of Intro, 2 page resume, articles from FCPS where I was featured and/or contributed (such as this FCPS article, FCPS Teacher Spotlight and an EcoART Grant with other art teachers),  the 16th District PTSA Award, photos of Museum Exhibits and Tours, my Museum CSIP, my Unit Planner, my AH Content Standards "Bingo" cheat sheet and photos of examples of student work including Calendar Art Competition entires. I also included image examples of my leadership roles including Tom's Squad and our movement to take over a quality lunch program with our OLC and Aquaponics.

Phew!!!  Seems like a lot, I know!! 

and that's only in 4 years!  It's very exciting to see what the next 4 years will bring!  

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