Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What are Behavior Characteristics of the Gifted?

Here is a list of some behavioral characteristics of the gifted.  This list comes from my grad book (which is cited at the bottom).  If you have a child or a student that shows some of these characteristics, they may be a gifted student.  

Behavioral Characteristics of the Gifted

Learning Characteristics
  1. Has an advanced vocabulary for age or grade level.
  2. Lots of information about a variety of topics.
  3. Quick mastery and recall of factual information.
  4. Insight into cause-and-effect with things and people.
  5. Can quickly grasp principles and make generalizations.
  6. Keen and alert observer.
  7. Reads a lot, adult level books.
  8. Breaks down complicated material, reasons things out and sees logical/common sense.

Motivational Characteristics
  1. Completely involved in certain topics and persistent in task completion.
  2. Routine tasks are boring!
  3. Doesn’t need external motivation to complete something of interest.
  4. Perfectionist; self-critical.
  5. Prefers to work independently, even from teacher.
  6. Interested in “adult problems” like religion, politics, sex, race, etc.
  7. Self-assertive; stubborn.
  8. Likes to organize and bring structure.
  9. Concerned with right and wrong.

Creativity Characteristics
  1. Very curious, lots of questions….about everything!
  2. Lots of ideas about a problem; unusual and clever responses.
  3. Uninhibited in expression of opinion, radical and spirited.
  4. High risk-taker; adventurous.
  5. intellectual playfulness, fantasizes, imagines; adapt, improve, modify objects/systems.
  6. Keen sense of humor, in situations where others don’t.
  7. Unusually aware of impulses, shows emotional sensitivity.
  8. Sensitive to beauty.
  9. Nonconforming.
  10. Criticizes constructively. 

Leadership Characteristics
  1. Handles responsibility well.
  2. Self-confident with peers and adults.
  3. Well-liked among peers.
  4. Cooperative with peers and adults.
  5. Good verbal facility, expressive and well-understood.
  6. Adapts readily to new situations.
  7. Enjoys others and directing activities.
  8. Involved in social activities (with school).
  9. Involved in sports/athletics.

Coleman. L.J.; & Cross, T. L.  (2005). Being Gifted in School. (2nd edi.) Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.  

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