Sunday, August 17, 2014

Supporting Teachers as G/T Raters and Identifiers

Teachers are not successful at rating or identifying the gifted when they are not provided the proper tools and training.  Tools that would be beneficial to teachers include a clear definition and set of qualities for guidance.  Examples of behavior, or what to look for, should also be communicated.  Also, communicating with other professionals inside and outside of the school could lead to a deeper understanding and leadership for identification.  

If a teacher is not given a definition to reference or specific set of qualities, then the results are often open to interpretation.  This set of qualities should be decided upon by the Program within the Institution.  Criteria, or set of qualities, should also not be too minimal so that it could possibly include every child or too detailed so as not to include any child.  

Behavioral examples and a “what to look for” idea would also be beneficial.  Teachers should be highly encouraged to take anecdotal notes regarding children and behaviors and to share these with other professionals and their team in the building (if they have one).  Examples, set of qualities and a small rating scale could be placed on a graphic organizer for teachers to utilize.

Communication with other professionals is important because of social, behavioral and environmental factors that could play a role in the identification of a gifted child.  Is the child being bullied for being smart?  Does he/she just want to fit in?  Was the child homeless the night before the big IQ test?  If teachers took into account any and all factors, shared documented notes and knew exactly what they were looking for, then they would be successful (or atleast more successful) in properly identifying a child as gifted.  

Friday, August 8, 2014

Cornbread Recipe

My family typically cooks southern dishes, especially my Grandmothers when I was growing up, and cornbread was a regular item.  I found this Recipe in "Delilah's Everyday Soul" cookbook and it is to DIE for!!!  Everyone always says it's so good, my husband eats a piece every time he walks through the kitchen, and best of all..... it makes 2 loaves, so I always have one to give as a gift.

Also in this cookbook, is literally the World's Best Mac n Cheese.  No, seriously, there was a contest. And according to my husband, it is THE Best!  The recipe makes a ton and it is kinda expensive, so I try to half it as much as I can.  Other dishes I have tried in this book always come out amazing!  I highly recommend it!! However, it is a "Plan to be in the kitchen all day on Sunday" kind of recipes.

1 stick of butter melted
2 c yellow cornmeal
2 c all purpose flour
1 c sugar
2 T baking powder
1 t salt
1 and 1/2 c milk
4 eggs

(1)  Preheat oven to 350.  I grease 2 (8 x 4) bread loaf pans. 
(2) Combine all ingredients until smooth.  Fill up the pans.
(3) Cook 40 min. or a dry toothpick is pulled out.
(4) Cool 20 minutes, flip it out and slice it up or wrap it up as a gift.

Super Easy!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


To an artist, the sketchbook is like their Bible and best friend.  From play, to research, to thoughts and ideas, it is an outlet.  For most, it is a very cherished item.  As an art teacher, I think it is important for students to have something of their own, to cherish, and be able to have something that can be a positive and constructive outlet for them.  Whether you make your own, buy one from a store or improvise with another "book", making it your own is crucial.  For my first project with my classes this semester, we are "creating" our own sketchbooks and learning about artistic investigations.  I say "creating" because I am giving the menu options to the students to create one from scratch, buy one to use an older binder or folder.  However, they do need to personalize it with an artwork on the front cover (at least the front cover for now).

My goal with these sketchbooks is that they will utilize these books during upcoming projects, practice taking notes and sketches in them, and understand the artistic investigative process when creating an artwork.  

Here are a few visuals for examples:

old folder and store bought

hand-made and composition book

personalized old binder
Here are a couple websites and videos that I plan on sharing with my students as well:

Also, here is my Rubric and criteria for an artistic investigation.  I want to make a "I mustache you" poster with these items on it so students can check themselves per project.

Here is my weekly planning for my Sketchbook week using my weekly planner.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Chicken Honey-Nut Stir Fry

Why is it that I can hand my husband a cooking magazine and he flips for maybe 2.3 seconds and finds the most amazing recipe!  While I, on the other hand, will spend a solid 20-30 minutes "skimming" everything and still not know what to do.  It isn't fair.  However, I do appreciate that he takes the guess work out from my end!  All I have to do is go shopping for the stuff and then play my pandora and cook away!  This little number came from "Cooking for 2" magazine.  

Here is the recipe, (altered for double the sauce b/c my husband likes extra sauce):

2 t veggie oil
1/4 c diagonally sliced carrots (I used a little baby carrot snack bag, and it was fine)
1/4 c sliced celery (I did 4 stalks)
8 oz chicken breast halves, cut into 1-inch pieces (I used uncut chicken strips)
1/2 c OJ
2 t cornstarch
2 T soy sauce
2 t honey
1/2 t ginger
2 T cashews (I cut mine up a bit)
2 T sliced green onions
2/3 c rice (1 cup uncooked per package instructions)

1. First step, I started my rice and let it cook while I did everything else.
2. In a large skillet, heat some veggie oil on high.  Add carrots and celery, cook 2 min.  Add chicken and cook 3-5 min, or until done.
3.  In a small bowl, whisk together OJ, cornstarch, soy sauce, honey and ginger.  Add this to your chicken skillet mixture.  Cook over medium heat until thickened.  Cook 1 minute more.  Top with cashews and green onions.  Serve over rice.

Super quick and easy!  My husband loved it, just wanted there to be more sauce, but definitely a keeper!!  

Monday, August 4, 2014

Weekly Planning Template

Whenever I go to the "Teacher Store" and look at planning notebooks, they are all pretty basic and semi-expensive.  $15 for sheets of paper that I could easily create and print myself and keep in a binder.  Which is exactly what I did!  However, mine has a twist.  I incorporated some TPGES into the template.  (1) The B M E stand for Beginning, Middle and End of a lesson per hour; i.e. the intro, the application and practice, then the closer.  (2) The see-hear-do in the Notes section reminds me of different learning styles to incorporate.  Students need to see exemplar models using a variety of media, they need to hear it (and read it) and then they need to do or practice it.  I know there are more learning styles than that, but this template could get crazy cluttered if I incorporated everything!  These are just little reminders to cover my basics and jazz it up a bit!  I will usually print one of these for the week and take notes and sketch on the backs regarding ideas for lessons.

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